- Not Applicable
- No
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes
- No
- No
- No
- Yes
- No
- Yes
- No
- Abuse/Family Violence/Domestic Violence
- Addiction
- Adolescents
- Adults
- Children
- Community/Coalitions
- Community Mental Health
- Developmental Disabilities
- Diverse Culture and Ethnic Populations
- Families
- Healthcare
- Homelessness/Anti-Poverty
- Immigration/International
- Mental Health
- Schools
- Social Justice, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
- Substance Use Disorder Services
The Mount Vernon School District is in the Skagit Valley of Northwest Washington. The district serves approximately 6,500 students with one comprehensive high school, alternative graduation and choice pathway programs, two middle schools and six elementary schools. Please see the district website for more specific information about the district and the student and family population we serve.
One on one, small groups, working with individual families
Intern will have opportunities to participate on teams (MTSS-B, Attendance, Family Support, etc) and attend meetings (building staff meetings, social work team meetings, professional collaboration meetings, etc).
There will be opportunities to work with community partners and agencies to benefit our student population. For example: food banks, housing shelters and local nonprofits.
Intern will have opportunities to explore how policies, laws, budget, etc impact the service delivery in a school district and individual building. We will consider how systems of oppression impact school communities.
Activities will include attending school board meetings, grant writing, and researching policies and laws related to education.
Additional Perks or Funding
Great team of experienced School Social Workers some of whom are licensed.
Required Experience
Background check will be required.
Required/Preferred Languages
Languages spoken in our district: Spanish, Russian, Ukrainian, Mixteco, Triqui, Marshallese
Bilingual candidates encouraged to apply
How to Apply
Contact Bill Cheney, Director of Student Support and Prevention Systems
Email: bcheney@mvsd320.org