- No, all activites in person
- No, Just use UW Academic Calendar
- No
- No
- No
- Yes
- Yes
- No
- No
- No
- No
- No
- No
- Yes
- No
- Abuse/Family Violence/Domestic Violence
- Children
- Diverse Culture and Ethnic Populations
- Families
- Homelessness/Anti-Poverty
- Mental Health
- Schools
- Social Justice, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
This is an Elementary school placement that serves Pre-K to 5th grade. We are a Title 1 school with an approximately 20% McKinney Vento population. Our school serves children and families from all over the world with approximately 30 different languages spoken. You will be working with an MSW that has been at the school for 20+ years. We have a lot to offer students! We'd love to have yu join the Thorndyke Eagles!
Almost all of your work will be at this level. Individual and Group Counseling & Interventions, Family Resource & Referral. Work with Special Education. Classroom SEL. Much more!
Community collaboration.
Required Experience
Preferred prior work with children and self-starters please apply!
Required/Preferred Languages
Second language is an asset by not required.
How to Apply
Please email me at goodmank@tukwila.wednet.edu include your resume. We will set up a time to do an informal interview. IF AFTER JUNE 13TH, PLEASE TEXT ME AT 425-736-1798.