- Yes
- Yes
- Yes
- No
- No
- No
- No
- Yes
- No
- Yes
- Yes
- Abuse/Family Violence/Domestic Violence
- Addiction
- Adults
- Community/Coalitions
- Developmental Disabilities
- Diverse Culture and Ethnic Populations
- Families
- Healthcare
- Mental Health
- Older Adults/Seniors
- Veterans
Whatcom Hospice has been serving hospice patients in Whatcom County for many years, and currently cares for over 220 patients who reside in the community and 12 patients at our inpatient hospice house who acute care or whose families require respite. Hospice is a service for people who have a terminal illness and have a life-expectancy of 6 months or less, and who are no longer wanting to pursue treatment or curative measures. Hospice focuses on comfort and qualify of life, and provides physical, emotional and spiritual support to patients and their people as the disease progresses naturally.
The Hospice Social Worker is part of the holistic care team that serves hospice patients, along with the MD, Nurse, Chaplain, Bereavement Counselor, Volunteers, Acupuncturist and Massage Therapy. The Social Worker conducts home visit to complete a psychosocial assessment for all new patients and develop a care plan based on the patient's identified goals for their end-of-life journey. The Social Worker role focuses on safety, mental health, resources, emotional support, grief, financial resources, caregiving, and more.
This role is very clinical in nature and provides great opportunity to practice clinical assessment skills, learn about medical social work and disease processes, and improve clinical documentation in the EMR (electronic medical record). The Social Worker makes most home visits independently, but there is room for joint visits with other members of the care team.
The Social Worker is an equal member of the interdisciplinary care team and is required to attend Interdisciplinary Group Meetings every two weeks to discuss patients with the full team. The Social Worker is expected to take an active part in team collaboration and discussions and communicate with providers, care team, and outside agencies as needed.
Required Experience
2nd year MSW student with positive 1st year practicum experience. Candidate with previous medical background and/or clinical setting preferred.
How to Apply
Contact Supervisor of Holistic Care, Ashley Neville